EMT Refresher 36 Hour Course
Class will meet for nine (9) Monday evening from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. on the dates listed below:
January 6 January 13 January 20(Holliday) January 27
February 3 February 10 February 17 February 24
March 3 March 10
Class will be broken down into three sections: Lecture, Computer Lab and Skills Lab.
- 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Lecture
- 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Computer Lab
- 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Skills Lab
The FoothillEMS EMT Basic Program is switching EMT text books to Brady and will no longer be utilizing the AAOS in 2014. However, the 303 EMT Refresher course will use a combination of the two text books. During lecture we will review most chapters found in either book as the content should remain close to the same. However, some of the chapters are labeled differently and content moved around from one chapter and combined with another similar chapter. We are introducing computer lab time to access various websites to help students study for the NREMT exam and as a tool to refresh. There will be an opportunity to watch related videos on YouTube and other sites. We will also use the computer time to coach you on how to access the new FoothillEMS Google drive, email, calendar and more. The skills lab will have a combination of skills demonstrations, practice sessions and scenario based group testing. Although practicing each step of the skills as they are provided in the skills packet is important, critical thinking skills need to be tested and applied to real-life situations as part of the class format. Skills testing will be conducted throughout the quarter during skills lab time.
Please register online on in person at the Middlefield Campus as early as possible. Any questions should be directed to Instructor Angie Martinez via email angie@foothillems.com